How to Stop Cats From Pooping on Rugs
Cats pooping outside the litter box can be a sign of a medical or behavioral problem. If your cat is pooping on the rug, learn how to stop it.
Cats pooping outside the litter box can be a sign of a medical or behavioral problem. If your cat is pooping on the rug, learn how to stop it.
Did you ever wonder why cats wash their front feet after eating, even though their feet did not touch the food? Learn more with about this behavior.
Cats don't cry the way people do. Your cat can produce tears, but not ones of sadness. Explore the truth behind a cat's emotions and what those tears mean.
Cat lovers who want their cats to enjoy fresh air and sunshine often feel guilt by confining their cats to the indoors. Here are safe compromises.
Chatter in cats is a type of vocal expression that may be linked to their hunting instincts. Find out how and why cats chatter sometimes.
Hiding is a normal behavior in cats but changes in your cat's hiding patterns can be abnormal. Why would your cat start hiding more often?
Where should you put the litter box? Learn more about the best location to place the cat's litter box, and other factors you should consider.
Fights and other types of aggression may occur in homes with two or more cats. Learn the most likely causes and the best ways you can stop it.
Discover why cats develop litter box problems and cat behavior problems when you go on vacation and what you can do about it to help them.
Cats possess a natural instinct to hunt prey, as well as share their catch with loved ones, which can result in a "gift" of a dead animal for owners.